The Lighthouse of Hope
Sue Falcone
A Day by Day Journey of Fear Free Living
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
, 2013
A spirit of fear can take over life and dominate us in a way God never intended. It is a proven fact that fear is at the root of stress, and 75 to 90 percent of visits to primary-care physicians result from stress-related disorders. Is this God's plan for us? Never! In The Lighthouse of Hope, discover: " od did not give us a Spirit of Fear." eep healthy fear from growing into permanent entrapment." ecognize your fears and conquer them-- God's Way! Fear can dominate us in a way God never intended. But there is a beacon of hope for those trapped in fear. This book is a pathway to God's plan for believers to live a life free of stress and fear. We don't think there has ever been a time in America when a Lighthouse of Hope is more needed. There can be no success in life without hope. The hope that comes by faith in the Lord Jesus and gives real peace and joy. This will enrich all who need life. Sue writes from her experience and also from her heart. It is an enjoyable and timely read for hopeful living in these days.