A Preliminary Note on Dinosaurs and Non-dinosaurian Reptiles from the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Platform Succession at Kozina (SW Slovenia)
註釋A diverse assemblage of terrestrial vertebrates has recently been discovered in paleokarst deposits within the Upper Cretaceous carbonate platform succession near Kozina (SW Slovenia). A preliminary study of the locality has revealed fragmental bones and numerous teeth. On the basis of isolated teeth, five taxa of dinosaurs and non-dinosaurian reptiles have been identified: a hondrosaur, another ornithopod, a small theropod, and two different crocodiles. The Kozina locality is the first locality with dinosaur skeletal remains discovered in Slovenia and the third such locality on the Adriatic/Dinaric Carbonate Platform. According to their stratigraphic position, the vertebrate-bearing paleokarst deposits at Kozina may be Campanian or Maastrichtian in age.