Robert Morris' story unfolds explosively on August 2, 1990 as Saddam unleashes his rapacious Republican Guards on Kuwait. Escaping an early capture by Iraqi soldiers, the ex-naval officer and Vietnam veteran went into deep hiding in the heart of occupied Kuwait City. For 130 days, Morris and his fellow fugitives led lives of "quiet desperation" to evade the Iraqis. Only yards from headquarters, the groups set up strict rules to avoid capture in the endless round-ups. They were filled with horrific reports of rape, murder, and capture of friends. In time, the group was riven by fear and isolation, experiencing paranoia and claustrophobia. Who among them would flip first? Go berserk? Betray them? Morris' tale is replete with strife, suffering and perilous encounters, and the proof how one can overcome desperate adversity to achieve a moral victory. How he effected his escape only adds to the drama.
Jacket Design by Carol Calabro
Jacket Photograph by Patricia Morris