
Designing a perfect classroom on learning cannot be taken place abruptly. It needs of course some preparations which support it. The preparations themselves do not only come from the ability of Teachers on learning internally but also administrative preparation, such as syllabus and lesson plan. The indicator which learning can be stated can run smoothly is when the teachers and students do not find some difficulties at all on learning, but surely it is impossible. There must be many aspects which make the learning cannot run well. Lacking of motivation on learning, disruptive students and some other things will arise. This book is designed for overcoming all aspects which will occur in the classroom and also provides some steps on making the learning becomes easier to be implemented by teachers. Therefore, the writer believes that this book will give some beneficial impacts for the candidate of teachers whereas they are still learning in university, for teachers who want to deepen their upgrading knowledge and also for all observers or researchers who want to analyze the theory of learning and its phase.

This book cannot be accomplished well because of limited time of the writer and his tight activity. However, his first deepest gratitude goes to ALLAH S.W.T who has always blessed him with the ability on having a strong power and health in accomplishing this textbook. A fabulous and an extra appreciation are shared to his beloved wife, daughters, and son who always support, motivate and encourage him in completing this textbook.

Some constructive, valuable critics and comments are really welcome on making this textbook be better.