註釋Table of Contents

An Afternoon Muse 5
Proverbs of Hell 8
Editorial 12
PART ONE Paper Moon 21
John Steinbeck and the Romance of Tortilla Flat
by Stephen Zelnick 20
Work of Ages Work of Comets by Tom Sheehan 32
Armstrong by Martin Heavisides 41
Bread and Potatoes by Mari Fitzpatrick 56

PART TW0 The Arrow and The Song 59
Bethlehem by Alisa Velaj 59
Pillows of Sound by Alisa Velaj 61
Mozart Appeared on the Stage by Alisa Velaj 63
Micro Section: 64
Smell of Rain by Ray Collins 67
Quisling by Lauran Strait 69
Diet-Tribe by Lauran Strait 70
The Language of Frost by Bill West 73
Wheelchair Waits by Bill West 74
Cut Loose by Digby Beaumont 77
Don Diego Takes the Miracle Cure At Ojo Caliente by Ann Walters 79
Meditations on dear Petrov by Susan Tepper 81
Pink Steel by Noel King 86
The Spite Apple by Harry Stone 93

Still life with skull, candle and book by Paul Cezanne, Date: 1866 10
Winter Moon over the Med (Inhouse Art) 18
Rembrandt Self Portrait, 30
The Jazz Singer by Charles Demuth, 1916, 55
Fisherman with Arrow, Ancient Egypt, Date: c.1422 - c.1411 BC Series: Tomb of Menna 56
Bethlehem by Konstantin Gorbatov, 59
Still Life with Guitar by Juan Gris, Date: 1920 61
The singer Francisco d'Andrade as Don Giovanni in Mozart's opera by Max SlevogtDate: 1912 62
Street Music by Theo Von Doesburg 64
Summer evening on the porch by Konstantin Korovin 66
Can't anyone untie us? by Francisco Goya 68
Art: : Dietary Life Rules by Utagawa Kunisada, 70
Garden under Snow by Paul Gauguin 72
Carousel by Vilmos Aba-Novak 74
Costume design for "Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and Maiden Fevronia" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov by Ivan Bilibin 76
The Miracles of San Bernardino
by Pietro Perugino 78
Profile of a girl. Preparatory work for a decorative stain in red and green by Koloman Moser 80
Sky at Sunset by Eugene Boudin 82
The Rainbow, Hormandie by Robert Henri 84
A Linnet Swan, Inhouse Stock 92

Bill West
Marie Fitzpatrick