The Online Student's User Manual
註釋If you are considering enrolling in an online university, there are plenty of books that will help you decide on the right school or find the money you need to finance your higher education. But if you want answers to all your other questions too, The Online Student User's Manual takes you where no other manual has gone before-deeply into the online learning experience. Not sure if you have enough computer skills or know how to navigate in cyberspace? Intimidated by all the new terminology? The Online Student User's Manual will allay your fears and frustrations, as it provides you with information that will make you able to successfully traverse the online halls of learning. Author Diane Hamilton, Ph.D., who teaches bachelor-, master-, and doctoral-level courses for six online universities, has taken her years of experience with first-time students to create a user-friendly manual filled with enough how to's and valuable advice to make you a truly successful student.