Cheneyville Rifles
註釋The Cheneyville Riflemen were a Confederate group made up primarily from young men who were members of planter's families along Bayou Bouef and Bayou Rapides in Rapides and Avoyelles Parishes. Some men were added to their units from New Orleans and they became part of the famous Louisiana Tigers who fought so bravely in the Civi War. Patrick Keary, whose later wife was President Jefferson Davis's niece, recruited the original group of volunteers. The Cheneyville Riflemen were presented with homemade flags of their unit by the ladies of the town. The men left Cheneyville for Camp Moore at Tanghipahoa in the summer of 1861. There, more recruits were added from New Orleans and the Cheneville Rifles were commissioned as part of the 8th Louisiana Infantry and were designated as Company H. The Cheneyville Rifles left for the war front within days, and spent the next four years the Virginia Theatre. These brave central Louisiana men participated in dozens of battles, including Gettysburg, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, and Appomattox. Roster: Captain Patrick Keary of Cheneyville John Mortimer Burges of Holmesville - 1st Lt William H. Oliver of Evergreen- 2nd Lt John R. Murphy - Jr. 2nd Lt Samuel Henry Robert - 1st Sergeant Richard H. Glaze of Holmesville- 2nd Sgt Frank R. Johnson - 3rd Sgt Dr. Samuel Flower Meeker of LeCompte - 4th Sgt Oliver H. Perry - 5th Sergeant Mitchell Neal - 1st Corporal Baillio, Albert Gallatin Phelps of Mansura - 2nd Cpl. Isaac Christian Johnson of Evergreen- 3rd Corporal Robert Crawford - 4th Corporal Berwick, David Bond, Peter Booker, James Booker, William Boudro, Joseph Bradford, Franklin Bradley, John J. Breen, William Brennon, Charles Briely, Edward C. Brosnan, Patrick Burges, Benjamin B. Calligan, Louis Campbell, John Carpenter, Alexander Chaffin, John R. Chaffin, Winburn L. Charrier, Augustin Cheney, Thomas Chitty, Allen H. Christ, George Clark, James W. Clark, Leonard Clark, William J. Clouner, Henry Connolly, Patrick Connor, John Crenshaw, Archimedes Crowell, John Daily, Ephraim Days, James Derosier, Samuel S. Devereaux, Thomas Dial, Matthew Dunn, Patrick D. Duvall, William Emmett Edlin, Samuel Edwards, William E. Flynn, Robert Foreman, Elisha Forman, William Fraser, Alexander Frederick, Mathias Furlong, Thomas Galloway, John R. Gardner, Thomas Gaspard, Genois Glass, Samuel P. Glover, James Gohmert, Adolphe Goodman, James M. Goodman, Stephen A. Goodson, George W. Graham, Patrick A. Graham, Richard Graham, Theophile Hanly, Mortimer B. Harman, P. Harrison, Flatus B. Hebert, Francis Heffran, James Hickman, Lewis Hicks, Louis David Hodge, Jesse T. Holland, Patrick Irving, David Juneau, Adrian Jones, John Kanna, H. M. Kennedy, John Kennedy, Patrick Lawrence, John Lewis, James D. Loftus, Andrew Vousdan Loftus, Patrick Johnson Londeneaux, John Long, Thomas McDaniel, Charles McDonald, John McGinnis, Martin McGuire, Henry McMann, Thomas McQuaid, James Many, Edward Meehan, Cornelius J. Mayeux, Zenon Zelian Morris, John H. Murphy, Frank V. Murphy, Thomas S. Newell, Andrew Newell, Thomas Newton, Thomas D. Nichols, John F. Norris, Charles H. Nugent, Edward O'Neal, Henry M. O'Neal William Warren Orton, James Parham, William H. Parker, Thomas J. Payne, Richard Pendergrast, Thomas Perkins, James Samuel Porter, William W. Reagan, J. R. Riggs, John M. Ringgold, William Hickman Robert, Edward J. Rutledge, Joseph R. Simpson, Jesse T. Singleton, Francis Marion Slattery, Peter Smith, R. H. Smith, W. Snoddy, Joshua Sutherland, Silas Swann, Benjamin R. Swearingen, John Townsend, Francis Vernon, John E. Wade, Richard Wall, John H. Wall, John M. Wall, Samuel B. Warman, Peter Watts, Charles J. Webber, Patrick White, Robert M. Wilson, Robert Williams, Augustus E. Wilson, John Workman, J. Workman, William Edward Zolchan, James (Biloxi Indian)