
- 1,004 pages, 352 exhibits, 146 references.

- Harvard Law School professor Lloyd Weinreb, 2016: “The leading book on this tragedy. There is no comparison.”

- Kensington Publishing, president Steven Zacharius, 2022: “Congratulations on this project. This is a story that shattered us, and despite this, very little has changed to stop it from reoccurring.”

- Dr. Marc Feldman, Munchuasen-By-Proxy Specialist, 2016: “You have done an amazing job in putting together all this information about Adam Lanza.”

- Rowman & Littlefield, Executive Editor Suzanne Staszak-Silva, 2019: “A fascinating treatment of a terrible case”

- Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency, President Betsy Lerner, 2018: "An exhaustive account."

- Kensington Publishing, Chief Editor Michaela Hamilton, 2022: “Your book is impressive.”

- Inkwell Literary Agency, Founder Michael Carlisle, 2018: “Your magnum opus.”

- University Of California Press, Editor Maura Roessner, 2018: “It's fascinating, timely, and difficult material.”