The Copie of a Letter Vvritten by M. Doctor Allen: Concerning the Yeelding Vp of the Citie of Dauentrie
Vnto His Catholike Maiestie, by Sir VVilliam Stanley Knight. VVherin is Shevved Both Hovve Lavvful, Honorable and Necessarie that Action Vvas; and Also that Al Others, Especiallie Those of the English Nation that Detayne Anie Tovvnes, Or Other Places, in the Lovve Countries from the King Catholike are Bound, Vpon Paine of Damnation, to Do the Like. Before Vvhich is Also Prefixed a Gentlemans Letter, that Gaue Occasion, of this Discourse
出版By Ioachim Trognæsius, 1587