Durand of Champagne and the "Mirror of the Queen"
A Study in Medieval Didactic Literature
出版Columbia University, 1972
註釋Approaching the theme of queenship from a philosophical and theological angle, Durand of Champagne considered the queen's qualities as a human being and as a princess, her duties at home, at court, and in the kingdom. He saw the essence of her function in serving as an example for the people not only in private life, but also in her relations with every class of society. Durand of Champagne differed from all his predecessors by clearly distinguishing the line between the sphere of the king's and the queen's activities. Only two of the subsequent fourteenth and fifteenth-century works about queenship approached the Speculum dominarum in comprehensiveness: Christine of Pisan's Le livre des trois vertus and Anne of Beaujeu's Enseignements a sa fille Susanne.