Decision-making Aids for Igniting Or Extinguishing Well Blowouts to Minimize Environmental Impacts
註釋This report is an aid to those responsible for deciding whether an oil well blow-out should be ignited or extinguished (if already burning) in order to protect the environment. The first section reviews the types and characteristics of blowouts that may occur in Canada lands (offshore waters or land in the north) as a result of petroleum exploration or production. It includes information on near-source behaviour of oil, condensate, natural gas, and hydrogen sulphide, and predicts dimensions of oil or condensate slicks, explosion zones, and hazard zones for surface and subsea blowouts over a wide range of flow rates. The second section describes effects of igniting the well products and predicts combustion efficiencies, radiant heat fluxes, and secondary effects for surface and subsea blowouts. The third section presents an overview of well control techniques. The fourth section reviews several actual blowouts and reasons behind the decisions taken. A review of blow-out statistics as they relate to the consequences of well ignition, the time frame of ignition, and the incidence of burning blowouts is also presented. The fifth section delineates the key decision making factors that must be addressed when considering ignition or extinguishment of a blow-out. The final section contains check lists of factors to be reviewed prior to making a decision regarding a blow-out.