Things You Can't Say About The Universe
註釋A collection of side-splitting observations for anyone interested in learning more about the Universe and what the hell happened to Pluto. Including in depth examination of Black Holes, Alternative Realities, the Multiverse, The Future of the Universe, and how big a wall would need to be to keep the Universe from being Infinite. The reader will learn that "Quantum" comes from "quanta" a fancy Latin Word that means "all hell breaks loose." Nobody knows where subatomic particles are at any given moment, a startling discovery made by Heisenberg before he moved to Albuquerque to peddle meth. Schr�dinger concluded a cat in a box is both alive and dead at the same time, especially one that hasn't used up its ninth life already by taunting the neighbor's rottweiler. Physicists recently discovered this Universe is but one of many Universes, called the Multiverse. Many Universes are made up entirely of antimatter, which means they are exactly like us except left-handed.