A Deadly Blend of Souls
Gordon Lysen
Lisa Lysen
Strategic Book Publishing
, 2013-02
Drama / General
Drama / Canadian
Fiction / General
Fiction / Crime
A Deadly Blend of Souls was written by the husband and wife writing team of Lisa and Gordon Lysen. According to Lisa: In summer of 2006 we retired, packed up city life and moved to our beautiful lakefront home on the shore of Lake Manitoba. Faced with being the only permanent residents who didn't travel south to escape the bitter winter months, we decided to fill the time with a game that sprang from our mutual love of storytelling. Without ever discussing a plot or characters, we began co-writing a book for fun. Gordon started by writing the first chapter. I read what he had written and imagined where it might go from there, adding a chapter of my own. He read mine, wrote another, and we kept on going, throwing twists and turns into the mix, each waiting to see what was going to happen next. Our only rules were to never discuss what we were planning or where we thought the tale was going, and to respect each other's very different writing styles. What began as a game soon turned into a murder mystery, one we hope you will enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing. David Morse is a victim of a dysfunctional but loving childhood.He is beginning to rebuild his world when his past returns and confronts him, tearing hard at his soul. He fights to maintain his self-respect when his newfound life and his very existence are threatened. Gordon Lysen and Lisa Lysen live in Winnipeg, Canada. He was formerly a policeman and she worked in jewelry sales. This is their first book. Publisher's Website: http: //SBPRA.com/GordonLisaLyse