Imagine Financial Security for Life

 44% OF AMERICANS DON’T KNOW IF THEY ARE ON TRACK FOR RETIREMENT. 62% HAVE NEVER HAD A RETIREMENT PLAN PUT TOGETHER FOR THEM. 84% THINK THAT THEY NEED GUARANTEED LIFETIME INCOME, BUT ONLY 14% OF THEM HAVE GUARANTEED INCOME BESIDES SOCIAL SECURITY OR THE WISCONSIN RETIREMENT SYSTEM.1 With these staggering statistics, and 10,000 Americans turning age 65 every day² and living longer than ever before, it’s no wonder a lot of people are worried about their retirement years. Imagine Financial Security For Life could be your answer. Inside, you may learn ways to make smarter choices with your money, including how to possibly avoid the eight roadblocks to financial security and peace, three ways to help keep your taxes and fees as low as possible, and the eight investment strategies for life. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. In other words, now is the time to plan for the next financial flood and improve your probability of financial security throughout your retirement years. 1TIAA-CREF Lifetime Income Survey Executive Summary 02/03/15k; ²US Census Bureau International Database May 2013