500 Year Journey

500-Year Journey examines historical and scriptural evidence to identify the date Christ was born, which wasn’t December 25th!

For more than two-thousand years, Christians and skeptics have sought the truth of Jesus’ birth—with many looking in the wrong places. One group studied the stars and astrology for answers, to determine what the Magi might have seen, but that only created more questions. Others looked to mathematical calculations and tradition, but mistaken variables led them astray. Both of these approaches have contributed to the modern version of Christmas, but they have also obscured God’s truth.

Corey Piper’s 500-Year Journey makes the case that God revealed exactly when the Messiah would be born. The answer is in his Law, foreshadowed with biblical and historical events and confirmed by what the Magi saw. This resource will take readers from the exile in Babylon to the manger in Bethlehem, to a stunning encounter with God’s elaborate plan.