Look Good Box Set

Best young adult dystopian books, now in one box set!

Look Good

Look Out

Look Alive

Best young adult dystopian books. In the family spies program, Angel Krutchek never expected that his own father would turn him over to the Anslo government, but that's just what happened.

Best young adult dystopian books. Except that he's on the run, and they have to catch him before he'll turn his girlfriend's father in as a rebel sympathizer. The only problem is, all spies are chipped with a life-ending timebomb. Tick-tock...

In this young adult dystopian spy novel of espionage, political spies are often casualties of a cold war.

However, Eddie Winslow is in love with a boy in school, and when she discovers Angel Krutchek grew up in a family of spies and was assigned by their own government to root out her father's involvement in a plot to overthrow their autocratic government, can she forgive him in time to ensure both their survival? And can they escape the Anslo military with the Defenders of Freedom in time to save their leader?

Best young adult dystopian books

So follow the thrilling adventures of Angel, Eddie, and the rebels.

Then, join in the fight against Commander Ilych and Anslo's conquering forces.

But, experience the unexpected twists and turns as Eddie and Angel confront their past. 

This action-adventure spy thriller is an editor's pick of the pile and USA Today bestselling author A. R. Shaw's newest dystopian series.