Political Legacy of Plato and Aristotle

The political legacy of Plato and Aristotle is one of the greatest intellectual legacies left by an ancient civilisation for posterity. The problems of politics and political science are incomprehensible without some Platonic and Aristotelian background.

Modern political philosophy is nothing but a commentary on the political ideas of Plato and Aristotle. Without a Platonic and Aristotelian background, even the first letter of politics cannot be understood. For, very little, if at all, has been said that is new after Plato and Aristotle in the history of political thought.

This book deals with the political ideas of Plato and Aristotle from a near and most modern angle. The chapters have been selected methodically so that a comparative study of the two philosophers becomes easy for students. The occasional comparison of the philosophers’ ideas with that of Marx, Laski, Nehru, and with ancient Indian concepts is certainly interesting.