The Moot Court Advisor's Handbook

Perhaps you are a law professor who has been asked to advise a moot court team. Maybe you teach an appellate advocacy course or run an internal moot court competition. You might be an attorney recruited to coach a team, or your school's entire moot court program might have just been dropped in your lap.

No matter your role or level of experience, the Legal Writing Institute's Moot Court Advisor's Handbook is a valuable resource of best practices for running moot court and other legal skills competitions. Drawing on the combined expertise of the Legal Writing Institute's Moot Court Committee, the handbook has chapters on administering a moot court program, running an internal moot court competition, coaching teams at external moot court competitions, and establishing your own external moot court competition. The second edition adds a new chapter on virtual competitions, updates regarding new ABA Standards relevant to legal skills competitions, and a trove of updated online resources you can customize to meet your program's needs.