

Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Introduction / Introduction / Introducción

Theoretical research / Recherche théorique / Investigación teóretica

Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado, Reflexiones desde la educación contemporánea – el visitante en el centro de la acción museística

Historical research / Recherche historique / Investigación historica

Michel Allard, La fonction éducative dans l’histoire des musées québécois (1824-2015)

Nicole Gesché-Koning, The avant-garde of European museum education in Belgium

Sofia Trouli, Insights into the genealogy of museum education in Greece: early compatible views on the importance of museum education expressed at two international meetings in Athens

Emprirical research / Recherche empirique / Investigación empirica

Fernanda de Lima Souza and Adriana Mortara Almeida, The History Museum of the Instituto Butantan: visitor’s profile and perception

Maria Esther A. Valente, Andréa F. Costa and Flávia Requeijo, The audience of a science museum and the concept of time

Silvia Alderoqui y María Cristina Linares (coords.), Participación y representación de los visitantes en el Museo de las Escuelas

Alexandra Tranta, Assimilating the museum experience: Dimensions of the education of potential museum educators, based on the results of a limited survey among students of Preschool Education Magaly Cabral, Does a summer camp favour the relationship with the museum?

Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Public opinion survey of users of the gardens of the Museu da República in Rio de Janeiro