Goodbye Saudi Arabia

The book describes the good, bad, and ugly about an American's experiences living with his family in Saudi Arabia.
Prince Sultan wanted to save money at the Jubail Project. Personnel were asked to reuse the morning tea bags again in the afternoon.

Here are 5 short statements about events in the book:

1. After three months in jail, a lenient religious judge sentenced a male British secretary, caught jogging home from a wine tasting party, to a public whipping of 72 lashes at the busiest intersection in Al Khobar.

2. An ARAMCO executive's wife, caught at Dhahran Airport with her baby's mattress filled with marijuana, was given 48 hours to leave Saudi Arabia with her family. This was considered a very light sentence.

3. American companies sent borderline alcoholics to Saudi Arabia to dry out. Wow! What a mistake.

4. The religious police, mutawain, whipped Saudi women in public if they were not properly covered, and they threw paint on foreign women if their arms or legs were not fully covered.

5. The Saudi National Guardsman leaned into our car window and said, "If I had my way, I would throw all you Americans into the sea."