Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls
註釋"Just because a woman dresses provocatively doesn't mean she should be assaulted, raped, or murdered. Talk about judging a book by its frickin' cover." Native American Tribal Detective Seargent Jessica (Medicine) Stone counters FBI Agent Casey Borgreve while they sit in his FBI SUV on a stakeout of The Copper Mule bar and grill. "I'm just saying the missing person photos we show would be more effective if she's dressed a bit more modestly." Casey chokes on his words, realizing how old-fashioned he sounds as he hears himself speak. "You know what, you're right. I'm sorry. It must just be my small town, WASP upbringing. ""And while we're at it, just because a woman accepts a few drinks doesn't make her available to assault, rape, or murder, either." Stone admonishes Borgreve. "And white Anglo-Saxon protestant isn't an excuse either. I know WASPs without such restrictive beliefs."