For One Night Only
At the Theatre, Wisbech: Mr. Scriven Presents His Most Respectful Compliments to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wisbech-Begs Leave to Inform Them He Has at a Great Expence Purchased a Correct Copy of that Truly Admirable and Entertaining Poetic and Prosaic Composition, Called Collins's Evening Brush, Exhibited by the Author, in London and Several of the Principal Cities and Towns in this Kingdom, to the Most Elegant and Crowded Audiences-A Piece, Allowed by All who Have Honoured it by Their Attention to be Replete with Wit, Humour, Satire, and Food for Laughter. On Friday Evening August 27th. 1790, Will be Presented a Pasticcio, Call'd Collins's Evening Brush. For Rubbing Off the Rust of Care: Divided Into Four Parts. Part I. An Exordium to the Audience, Wherein the Author Shews His Wish to Please, with a Particular Attention to Avoid Giving Offence to Any Individual, by a Sacrifice to the Shrine of Ill Nature, Or the Slightest Stab to Moral Virtue Then Follows as an Introduction to the Piece Itself. The Brush Song. After which A Dissertation on Actors and Acting. The Humorous Contrast Between Jack Sly and John Bull, the Late David Garrick and Snip the Taylor. Hamlet and the Scot's Pedlar. The Tragedy Belwether, and Tragedy Bantam Cock. Concluding with a Comic Song, Called Shakespear's Seven Ages, In which Will be Introduced The Infant, The Schoolboy, The Lover, The Soldier, The Justice, The Old Man, And Second Childhood. Part II. A Humorous Description of Parish Clerks. A Critical Dispute, Whether a Hedge Hog is an Animal, Or a Vegetable ; an Artifical Or a Natural Curiosity. The Political Barber. The Learned Irish School-Master, Teaching the Little Puny Whipsters Their Cris-Cross-Row. Darby Logan, the Irish Bull-Maker. Concluding with an Irish Song. in which He Gives a Humorous Description of His Voyage from Dublin to London. End of Act II. - The Lass of Richmond Hill, by Mrs. Scriven: Part III. The Imperfect Norwich Actor, Dryden's Pegasus, The English Aristophanes The One Armed Tragedian. And the Raw-Boned Actresses. Concluding with the Comic Song Of, Ancient Rome Contrasted with Modern London. A Hunting Song, by Mrs. Scriven. Part IV. A Song, Called the Disgraced Roman General Bellisarius. The Puny Richard the Third. Concluding with a New Comic Song. During the Evening The New Four & Twenty Fidlers. The Whole to Conclude with A Hornpipe by Mr. Sriven. Doors to be Open'd at Six, and Begin Precisely at Seven O'Clock. - Pit 2s. Gallery 1s. Tickets to be Had at the Inns, Printing-Office, and of Mr. Scriven at Mr. Friend's in Deadman's-Lane