"From God's Heart to Mine...for the encouragement of your souls" is a special book of poems and lessons placed on the heart of the Author, Yvette Kearns, by God; first for her own correction, reproof, and chatisement.
This collaboration of poems and lessons was then placed on the Author's heart to share them with you to encourage you, reprove and correct you, by the Word of God. As you read; may God Bless You According To His Riches and Glory.
The main objective of this book of poems is to first and foremost help the reader to gain a better relationship with the Lord by edifying them, correcting them, and encouraging the reader's heart, spirit and soul. This book will make the reader that knows the Lord Jesus as their savior want to know Him again and again. It will make the reader want to share Jesus with others that may not have a relationship with the Lord and feel the Love of Jesus shower them with everlasting power.