Love, Brison a Holler to Korea
註釋On November 24, 1951, forty-seven American's in the service of the United States Army made the ultimate sacrifice in the Far East Command during the Korean War. Of the forty-seven men killed that day, twelve were from the 8th Army, 7th Infantry Division, 17th Infantry Regiment, also known as the "Fighting Buffaloes". Of the twelve heroes who fell that day from the 17th Infantry Regiment, four were from H Company, a Fire Support Company protecting the infantry positions of the Second Battalion with motors, heavy machine guns, and recoilless rifles.?One of the H Company infantrymen that fell that day, during a skirmish with North Korean enemy forces that began two days earlier, was Sergeant Brison Howard, serial number US 52000567, age 26, hometown Dayton, Ohio. Between February and November 1951, Brison had survived through 41 documented days of battles and skirmishes on the Main Line of Resistance all across the Korean Peninsula. He had endured roughly 297 days of the horrors of the Korean War, and had been informed he would be home by Christmas 1951.This is his legacy story.