Double pleasure

Help! Do not leave me alone:

 The moment you gaze upon these words means that fate, chance, a coincidence, have decided to touch you allowing you, without your knowledge or because you were looking for it, to come to know something extraordinary and almost incredible. perhaps I must say that it is luck itself that has decided to kiss you according to old beliefs but whatever the method or merit the solution has been, the outcome is no different, you are about to learn a story that you could never have thought, you would never have imagined that simple words and phrases had the power to create a work so articulated in topics and substance, you would never have believed that eroticism, suspense, emotions, description could kidnap you and lead you to places of which you still don't know the history but which will soon be magical and enchanted for you.

Black amniotic fluid: NOIR.

Ask yourself before anything else if your stomach is able to bear what he is about to discover and only when you are really convinced continue.

She must find out what is hidden inside the belly of a pregnant woman before giving birth and the only way is to open it but she is not a surgeon....

The phobia that leads to unanalyzable behaviors and goals that for others can not even be perceived.

For the descriptions, reading to an adult and above all non-influenced audience is recommended; the author declares himself extraneous to any possible consequence that may arise during and after reading.