註釋Designed to help teachers, grade six through high school, overcome misgivings about computers for writing and make the most of the new technology, this book offers answers to an urgent question in language arts: how can computers be woven into the human fabric of a writing workshop? The book is based on a five-year study of computers for writing in actual school settings and presents what skilled teachers know about using computers to enhance the teaching of writing in the less than perfect conditions of ordinary classrooms. The book describes classroom environments called "Writing Lands" where computers enhance a process approach to teaching writing and makes the point that what students do with any writing tool depends less on the power of the technology than on the power of the teacher. The book also shows how teachers in the vanguard are using computers to foster collaborative writing and teacher-student dialogue, and explains how these teachers cope with the knotty practical questions computers pose in the average school. The book concludes by discussing how to design computer-equipped schools for quality writing instruction, how to choose appropriate hardware and software, and how schoolwide team leadership can support the teaching of writing. The book is organized in five major sections: (1) Portraits of Student Writers; (2) The Key Variable--Good Teaching; (3) Designing WritingLands; (4) Who Rules a WritingLand? and (5) Explorations. An appendix noting contributors to the action research and a bibliography of 113 titles conclude the book. (SR)