A Bittersweet Road

A Bittersweet Road by Craig G. Adams is a book about the life experiences of a farm boy who entered the navy to be a gunners mate, only to find himself enrolled into the navy's tactical nuclear weapons program without really having any beforehand knowledge he was involved in it. The surprise came the last day of bootcamp when strange eye exams were required before he left and his ensuing story became filled with nuclear weapons schools, travel to the Mediterranean Sea and Lebanon with the sixth fleet and many foreign countries. A book filled with constantly humorous, but spiritual seeking ways, this story is sometimes painful, personally insightful, and brings the reader a rare and different story told in a down to earth appropriate manner. The horror and carnage of war and death is not a part of the description of this story, but many incidents of a painful nature are written in a to honor the dead, the true hero's sacrifice, in the author's opinion. Included are loves lost, friends gained and obstacles of life overcome. Read on, and find yourself drawn into his world, thoughts and life, one which most everyone can relate to.