註釋Drake Banks is a 12-year-old boy who is used to moving from one army camp to another. After the death of his father, Drake and his mother have to get used to living a normal life in the town where she grew up. This proves challenging for Drake as he misses the army life. Drake finds an old arcade in his new town. He loves video games! One day, after arriving at the arcade, Drake discovers a new game called Death Trap. He did not know how his life was about to drastically change. After pressing Start, Drake is sucked into the video game.

Upon entering this new world, Drake has to face a series of dangerous challenges and survive if he wants to get back home. But he soon realises that he is not alone. There are two other competitors, Scott Vent and Crystal Moon, who are computer programmes. The race is on! However, it isn't long before they realise that they cannot face these challenges alone. Can they put their differences aside and work together?