
With undeniably rich analyses, Muhammad Taqi Jafari has presented points and ideas no well-informed scholar of theology interested in understanding Shiite teachings regarding Islamic leadership will find redundant or irrelevant. Anyone who would like to attain knowledge about the Holy Prophet and his progeny and their true status and position in the context of religion without falling into deviations will need to take such thoughts and perceptions into consideration and be aware of their content.

In fact, Hussain (PBUH) can be regarded as the goldsmith of truth; he is the summit to which "epic" serves as a mere mountain foot. His eternal statement - "If you do not believe in religion, at least be free-minded!" - is still persistently true even after almost fourteen centuries, and heads for not only eternity but also a high position in the most elevated thoughts of its era's thinkers. The Imam is once again asking mankind to be at least of a free mind of they are not of religious faith, may humanity dawn from the horizon of freedom. The present book, which consists of two parts, presents a new approach toward Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his uprising; "life" has been reiterated rather than "tragedy", "human rights" have been regarded more significantly rather than "legend", "mankind" has been taken into more important consideration than "history", and "conscience" has replaced "epic" as a focal point.