In this remarkably powerful and comprehensive study of D. H. Lawrence and the whole range of his creative achievement during the years 1885-1919, Professor Delavenay has written one of the most important studies of Lawrence ever published.
He starts with Lawrence's birth at Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, in 1885, and with insight and painstaking scholarship examines every event, every encounter in Lawrence's life for its influence in shaping him as an artist, pinpointing his changing ideas and preoccupations as they were reflected in his nonfiction writing or became transformed into works of the imagination.
Commenting on the French edition of this book in a review in the New York Times Book Review Julian Moynahan calls it"perhaps the most important Lawrence study to have appeared in any language during the last 10 years."
In his comment on this English edition of the book Harry T. Moore writes: "This book is provocative in its challenging new interpretations, and itis at once sensible and brilliant, informative and exciting."