SME Policy Index for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2016
Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe
出版OECD, 2016
註釋The development of a dynamic and vibrant SME sector is of paramount importance for the seven EU pre-accession economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. The region's productive structure is predominately composed of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which on average contribute to 75% of total employment and over 60% of total private-sector value added. Nevertheless, important challenges remain to transform the SME sector into a driver of economic growth and employment and to address persistent structural challenges such as high unemployment rates and the per capita income gap. However some of the conditions to leverage growth are already in place. First, the economies of the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT) are covered by the current EU enlargement agenda. The EU's enlargement policy deals with the countries currently aspiring to become members of the European Union.^The EU's enlargement policy is an investment in peace, security and stability in Europe. It provides increased economic and trade opportunities to the mutual benefit of the EU and the aspiring member states. Second, SMEs in the Western Balkans and Turkey face a unique set of opportunities for business expansion. The region has made considerable progress on economic integration with the European Union, whose single market is the largest in the world, serving 500 million citizens and generating 23% of world GDP. The implementation of the Central European Free- Trade Area (CEFTA), a regional free-trade agreement comprising all the Western Balkan economies and the Republic of Moldova, and a network of free trade agreements between Turkey and the Western Balkans, have further expanded market access.^Third, the Western Balkans are advancing their transition to a market-based economic system, in particular with regard to liberalising and opening up their economies, while Turkey's economic reforms have contributed to deregulating and expanding its internal market. SME policy simultaneously targets changes in the economic structure and improvements in the business climate in general and enterprise growth potential in particular. The SME Policy Index assesses progress in implementing the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA) and compares the evolution in policy and remaining challenges across the region while providing guidelines for reform for each economy. This SME Policy Index, the fourth since 2007, sheds light on SME policy development over the past decade.