Embracing Gen Z: your guide to understand, engage and communicate with Generation Z in the workplace

Would you like to discover in detail Generation Z?

Do you work with young people and find it increasingly difficult to interact with them?

Have you always dreamed of having a productive and intergenerational team?

Lately, I have started to hear comments about the difficulty of interacting and working with the new generation of young people who have just started to work, Gen Z. But are they really the ones who had to adapt to us? Or are the rest of us the ones who had to adapt to them? Conscientious as I am, I became obsessed with finding a solution for such a problem and coming up with a systematic approach that would allow me to connect with them.

For that purpose, I conducted an exhaustive literature review and drafted a methodology to make it possible. After this extensive study, I identified some tricks that worked well with them and developed a methodology that I have been improving based on my experience in recent years.

In this book, full of practical advice and anecdotes, you will discover:

  ★ How Generation Z thinks and acts

  ★ The 10 trendy technologies among young people

  ★ My top 10 tips for dealing with them

  ★ How to connect with them in 4 weeks

  ★ How to carry out an agile action plan

  ★ How to create a productive and intergenerational team

  ★ And much, much more.

Who is this book for:

This book is for anyone who often works or interacts with young people and wants to empower themselves.

This book is for you if:

·        You want to know which generation you belong to

·        You want to understand generation Z in depth

·        You don't know how to leverage the latest technologies

·        You would like to apply agility in your daily life

·        You find it difficult to reach your goals

·        You work in an unproductive team

It's up to you:

You can lament all the problems you have with Gen Z or take action by reading this book.