New Actors on the Global Stage Ő Environmental Education and Activism Emerging from Within Myanmar (Burma).
註釋Despite best efforts over the past 40 years new environmental movements have failed to instigate the social change that is necessary to halt the destructive individual, corporate, state and global processes and practices which are resulting in (potentially catastrophic) global warming and climate change. There is, however, grassroots activism emerging from the Global South that may succeed where the North has failed. This paper is based on recent experience working with environmentalists in the nascent democracy of Myanmar (Burma). Having experienced environmental degradation, injustice and insecurity first hand, a growing number of young adults are educating themselves in order to respond to basic needs, strengthen and empower their local communities and build a more aware civil society. This environmental adult education includes a critical analysis of prevailing structures, systems, institutions and policies but, more importantly, it is aimed at identifying, mooting and implementing alternative processes and practices. It is focusing on solutions. These solutions conflict, however, with the mainstream economic, political and social development models mooted for Myanmar, the majority of which are focused on extractive industries, industrial infrastructure and agri-business. The current political situation in Myanmar is creating a unique space and time for new voices and new vision. We in the North should be taking this opportunity and facilitating this movement through funding, academic affiliations and mentoring programmes.