Beautiful Little Star

Beautiful Little Star - A Children's Picture Book that Teaches Kindness, Confidence, and Equality!

Beautiful Little Star uses the wonderful story of a little girl named Ivry to take your child on a journey of embracing their individuality. Through colorful illustrations and engaging storytelling, this children's book highlights Ivry's confidence and belief that all kids are unique and lovely in their own way. The book teaches your child to see beyond color and ethnicity and embrace the beauty in our individuality-our talents, our cultures, our gender, and our interests-so they can be and achieve anything that their heart desires.

Ivry will inspire your child to believe in themselves and treat everyone with kindness, love, and respect with her positive and friendly spirit.

And just like Ivry, your child will see themselves as the Beautiful Little Star that they truly are.

  • This children's storybook is perfect for ages 3-9