My Battles and God's Victory
Iris Rodriguez
Xlibris Corporation
, 2011-07-25
Body, Mind & Spirit / Spirituality / General
This book is about the battles in my life, and how with the help Of the Almighty God I survived them all. I have to tell you it has not been an easy task. It has been very difficult for me to deal with the sexual abuse and also with the rejections of my mom And her family . Most, of my life I’ve lived with my mother and the many stepfathers she put in my life. I thank God pulled me out of that pit and gave me a new beginning. Finally, I am married and have thirteen wonderful grandchildren which I love very much. I hope and pray as you journey through this book you can also see that nothing is impossible for the Lord! This book is dedicated to those innocent children who have died because of sexual abused or by their parents abused. I am living proof that with God you can survive all things, even learn to forgive those who hurt you and abandoned you. To my dear sister Ana who was killed in 2006 I stand in the gap for you and many other women out there that are afraid of telling anybody about their abused. We need to break the silence and speak, no more lies, no more pain. God is here to give you comfort, strength and wisdom to understand there is hope. We need to stop the pedophiles. No child, or woman, should have to go through what I went through .One thing I’ve learned from this I am a stronger woman, and my mission is that all nations will come to peace and know our Lord Jesus Christ. To my mom and the man who abused me I forgive you and I pray that both of you find peace in your hearts, the peace I now have the minute Jesus put in my heart forgiveness. This a wonderful verse that was given to me by a sister in Christ Joy, ( Romans 8:37) No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us! Iris D. Rodriguez Christ Warrior