The Spy Couple - Selected Short Stories
註釋These selected short stories were written about the transitional period after 1975 when North Vietnamese Communists occupied South Vietnam, imposed their Socialist regime, confiscated property owners' possessions, banished city dwellers to the wilderness on the Highlands, and sent hundreds of thousands of former military officers, government officials, political and religious leaders to concentration camps.Each story tells the tragic life of a person who was pushed by the conquerors to the limit of misery. However, despite whatever tragic circumstances a glitter of love always reflected in the enduring relationships between teammates, parents and children, men, and women. For example, in "The Grave Abandoning Ceremony" Hrao's tragic demise was caused by her sacred and enduring conjugal love; "The Piece of Fat" tells the story of a chunk of fat the size of a finger that keeps jumping from one bowl of rice to another and made it hard for the woman to decide whether to take that little piece of pork to the prison for her exhausted husband, or save it for her malnourished son, or give it to her old mother-in-law.Above all, each story told reminds the reader of the truth that love and freedom are mankind's everlasting and unextinguishable dreams.