Supervising Electoral Processes
註釋This publication contains the reports presented at the seminar entitled "Supervising Processes", organised in Madrid on 24 and 25 April 2009 by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) in co-operation with the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies (CEPC). This was the first UniDem (Universities for Democracy) seminar which compared the legal situation in Europe with that of the United States and Latin America. The aim of the seminar was to study the ways of making electoral legislation effective. It addressed electoral disputes from a procedural as well as from a substantive point of view. It also demonstrated the different approaches taken in Europe, where disputes are generally dealt with by constitutional or ordinary courts, and Latin America, where specialised courts have been established. The seminar dealt with the role of international judicial instances, such as the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in guaranteeing the quality of the electoral process, as well as with the control of electoral campaign financing.