Indie Author Confidential 12

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 12!

Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day.

Covered in this volume:

• A change in Michael's strategy

• Lessons in character tagging, a little-known but effective craft technique

• A game-changing AI app that Michael built

• Michael's thoughts on AI art

The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too.

Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential?
