Aboriginal Advancement to Integration
註釋Part of project sponsored by Social Sciences Research Council; brief survey of Aboriginal way of life at contact, nature of contact with Europeans, impact, legislation & administration-industrial relations, Protection Board, creation & work of Aborigines Dept, citizenship, health; comments on reports & recommendations of Fairbairn, Forrest, Roth, Moseley, Bateman, Gare; present living conditions, standards of housing, health & hygiene, mission settlements, hostels, sheep & cattle stations, camping reserves; general discussion of behaviour & patterns of poor families; clarification of goals & means of achievement, blind-alley propositions, identification of socio-psychological & socio-economic needs; guidelines for plans for integration - Dept of Native Welfare, functions, recommends creation of Social Planning Council, roles of Commonwealth Government, involvement of Aborigines; strategies of intervention, physical resources & personnel required, secondary effects (phasing out of reserves, missions, etc.); planning & programs, choice of rate of advancement, division of departmental responsibilities, suggested program for 1970, steps in implementation of plans; research and evaluation; benefits & costs; Appendices - A, characteristics & projection of the Aboriginal population; housing & households; C, employment & occupations; D, schooling & educational achievement; E, health F, crime & delinquency; G, family characteristics.