City General
註釋Hospitals...Long never-ending hallways, sterile-smelling rooms, a myriad of odd smells, and "Glippety-Gloppety" machines emitting strange noises and alarms. Nobody really wants to be there, and sometimes the employees don't want to be there either.Everyone who enters, as a patient, is hoping to leave the same day, or just undergo a simple blood test or x-ray. Some discover they have serious illnesses or ailments requiring surgery and longer stays. The unfortunate reality is many of us will perish in healthcare institutions.Ideally, we like to think of ourselves like automobiles-we go to hospitals to have everything fixed, and we leave as good as new, "ready to roll"...with a hefty bill, I might add...but sadly that is NOT always the case.As a guest or visitor, we hate to enter these hallowed halls of healing. It is quite awkward to visit a friend or relative who is fighting a serious, life-threatening illness. Nobody wants to be there to endure the horrors that might happen at City General. (Based on real-life events )