Feasibility of Smart Home Technology in Affordable Seniors Homes
註釋In this 9-month pilot study, 11 prototype smart voice fridge sensors that provide voice prompts and report activity status were installed in affordable seniors' housing units to confirm user acceptance and system performance. Activity trends of the occupants were also identified. A total of 11 apartment dwellers (mean age of 75, 2 male) were recruited to test the smart voice fridge sensors over a six-week period. A questionnaire was administered at the start and end of the trial to obtain feedback on the technology. The results of the study confirmed that the smart voice fridge sensor is a non-invasive technology that was deemed acceptable by the older adults who participated. Despite the fact that the majority of participants did not feel the technology was required at present, most of these individuals indicated that they would prefer a fridge equipped with a smart voice sensor to one without. In addition, the study resulted in the identification of predominant patterns of fridge usage amongst participants that may be of value in monitoring older adults' health status. Finally, a full test report on the technology was completed demonstrating the robust performance of the units throughout the trial.