How to Make My Ethnic Business Last?


For a company, surviving beyond its first 6 months of existence is a serious priority for the sustainability of the business project. Even though i twill take another 3 to 5 years to notice structure growth and consolidation, the first 6 months necessitate special care in management as this period is one of financial fragility. The objectives here will be to:
• Be fully aware of the importance of the importance of the first 6 months and increase its chances for success.
• Effectively implement internal management tools and external promotional tools.
• Know how to adjust to your environment.
Thus, the main concepts to assimilate will be the importance of the first 6 months, understanding what’s at stake, the elements of implementation, and strategy. At the core, we must answer the following question: Which strategies should we adopt to survive the first 6 months and last in the market?