The Compleat History and Antiquities of the Antient Egyptians
Babylonians, Romans, Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Grecians and Carthaginians. Containing, An Account of the Original and First Founders of Each Kingdom. The Revolutions it Has Undergone, and the Great and Famous Men They Have Produced ; Likewise The Various Wars and Commotions by which These Nations Have Been Enlarged Or Diminished ; the Curiosities Either of Art Or Nature, for which They Have Been Most Remarkable ; as Also, the Religion, Manners, Laws and Customs, Which, At Different Periods of Time, Have Prevailed in Them ; with Many Curious Particulars Relating to the Several Countries Treated of in this History. Extracted from the Most Eminent Writers of Those Different Nations ; and Methodically Digested: To which are Annexed, Proper Tables, Indexes, &c. Also Curious Prints of Egyptian Mummies, Deities, Hieroglyphicks, &c. to Render this Work the Most Authentick and Compleat of Any Thing Ever Hitherto Published. By Paul Chamberlen, Esq
出版W. Lloyd, next the King's-Arms Tavern, in Chancery-Lane, Fleet-Street, and the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1738