7 Steps to Better Chess

This book is designed to immediately improve your game. Eric Schiller, a legendary teacher of bright young stars and champions, shows you in seven lessons that cover every aspect of the game how to rethink the moves you make and become a winning player. The book includes more than 55 key game situations, and is packed with diagrams and insightful callouts so that every page brings you one step closer to being a master! Chess is a game of mistakes; if you can cut down on them, your game will get much stronger. This unique approach shows the mistakes Schiller has made in his own games at each stage of chess development from early scholastic challenges to professional encounters with grandmasters to illustrate the types of errors typically made in real games. In each case, you'll learn how such errors could have been avoided. You'll also see how professional players fall prey to the same problems as amateurs! Featuring instructive lessons in the opening, basic tactics, basic strategy, middlegame, endgame and lesssons learned.