A TextBook On Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry

We feel pleasure to introduce the first edition of this text-book, covering the subject to the Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry-I prescribed in the first year of bachelor of Pharmacy as per Education Regulation, 2020.

The matter has been divided into 8 chapters. Each chapter has been written in some detail in order to prepare the students for the better understanding of the subject of Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry as it is places in the beginning of the course and the newly admitted students may find difficult to understand. This book is in very easily understandable English where students do not find it difficult to understand. This books also helps in clear basic concepts of pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry where students are able to connect the subject with its application in daily life. For preparing the subject, we have consulted the number of books and Indian Pharmacopoeia. I am thankful to the author of them.