Testament to a New Dawn
Michael Champion
Time of Revelation - Volume 3
Grosvenor House Publishing
, 2021-10-18
Body, Mind & Spirit / Channeling & Mediumship
Body, Mind & Spirit / Afterlife & Reincarnation
'Testament to a New Dawn: Time of Revelation' is a unique collection of transcribed messages from ascended masters and other non-physical intelligence. They are relayed through mind transference [trance] through the medium of Michael D Champion. The messages contain guidance, teaching, philosophy, mathematical formulations, parables and topical information all pertaining to our present way of life and how, if we continue upon our present course, it will affect not only the continued existence of the human race, but the whole of the planet and all life upon it. Some messages will seem quite harsh, but they are brought forward in a loving manner, just as a parent may speak to a wayward child to set him or her upon the correct path of life. It is time to learn to live together as one co-operative civilisation. If we could somehow achieve this, perhaps the suffering we see around the world at this time may be less. In the three volumes of 'Testament to a New Dawn' we are given hope of a new world to come, but it is only by learning from the past and our current situation, that we can move forward to a better future. The teachings given are profound and although there may appear to be a religious theme at times, this should not be shied away from. The messages are non-denominational and acknowledge that all faiths are as one. We must learn to recognise the universal consciousness that is attainable to everyone through prayer and meditation. The messages given in all three volumes of 'Testament to a New Dawn' are from beings who are desperately trying to gain our attention. Knowledge is key if we are to survive in the future.