Error in Airspeed Measurement Due to Static-pressure Field Ahead of the Wing Tip of a Swept-wing Airplane Model at Transonic Speeds
註釋The local Mach number was found to be essentially equal to the true Mach numbers less than about 0.90. The local Mach number was found to be about 0.97 at a true Mach number of 0.95, and to be about 1.04 at a true Mach number of 1.08. The local Mach number provided a reasonable sensitive measure of true Mach number except for a restricted region near a true Mach number of 1.0 where the local Mach number did not change appreciably with true Mach number. The linear theory was found to predict qualitatively the effect of the fuselage on the static pressure ahead of the wing time but gave a reasonable prediction of the effect of the wing on the static pressure only at Mach numbers below 0.95.