How to Be a Super Model
Sheri Prescott
Selah Publishing Group, LLC
, 2004
Juvenile Nonfiction / Careers
Religion / Christian Living / Women's Interests
Religion / Sexuality & Gender Studies
From MTV to the latest DVD, teenage girls are lost in an effort to be like the models of this world. The flashy covers of magazines and the divas in music videos seem to hold the keys to a wonderful life. In the pages of How to be a Super Model, Sheri Prescott reveals a new message of hope and motivation, addressing the tough issues young women face. She reminds us that true beauty should come from the inside out. God's love for his girls can radically re-shape their self-image, while igniting a passion to model their lives after Christ. How to be a Super Model masterfully weaves together the truth of God's Word with powerful stories that capture your heart. Sheri writes with passion, inspiring young women to choose purity and the highest standards for their lives. Definitely a must read for all teenage girls! - Tara Dawn Christensen - Miss America 1997, Speaker, and Singer Sheri is truly a super model. And, oh how I hope that today's teen girls will hear her truthful words. It breaks my heart to see today's girls dropping great tears of pain because they cannot live up to the magazine covers which are nothing more than a meticulously crafted lie of Satan. Oh, thank you Sheri for pointing to truth. May today's young women be healed by your words. - Dannah Gresh - Author, And the Bride Wore White and Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty Discover your beautiful purpose as you read this positive and powerful book by Sheri Prescott. How to be a Super Model brings you authentic wisdom from God's Word and an inspiring message from the heart. I believe the insights from this book can lift you to new heights and help you become the beautiful woman God created you to be. - KarolLadd - Author of The Power of a Positive Woman