The Way to Women's Freedom

The degree of freedom enjoyed is the first and the foremost factor in evaluating the health of an individual and society. It is the means and also the supreme end of human well-being. But for ages women have been subjugated and suppressed. Victims of gender politics from timeless past, today modern women are struggling to break away from their imprisonment. Published by Advaita Ashrama, a branch of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, the central issue dealt with in this small book is The Way to Women's Freedom.

Are the modern women truly heading towards freedom? Or are they moving towards another trap? Often what appears to be freedom on the surface proves to be enslavement in disguise! What is the true meaning of freedom? What is the way? This is an extraordinarily important issue of modern times with widespread ramifications. Swami Vivekananda's views on this matter are crucial. The author carefully presents two contrasting pictures: (1) The present day woman, her status, and her expression of freedom, and (2) Swami Vivekananda's view of a truly free woman, and the way to achieve that freedom.