Guidelines for Preparing Hydrogeologic and Soil Reports Addressing Suitability for Alternative Wastewater Disposal Systems in Weber County, Utah
註釋Many lots in Weber County presently cannot be developed because adverse site characteristics (such as soil that percolates outside acceptable rate ranges or shallow ground water) make them unsuitable for conventional wastewater disposal systems (septic tank soil-absorption systems). The Weber-Morgan District Health Department and the Utah Division of Water Quality have developed designs for alternative wastewater disposal systems that may be used in such areas if hydrogeologic soil conditions are suitable, ground- and surface-water quality will not be degraded, and humans will not be exposed to wastewater pathogens. To demonstrate conformance with these criteria, hydrogeologic and soil studies of proposed sites will need to be conducted and results submitted to the Weber-Morgan District Health Department. Suitable hydrogeologic conditions include (1) site slopes no steeper than 4 percent, (2) soil percolation rates bewteen 60 minutes/inch and 1 minute/inch (5 minutes/inch for both Ogden Canyon and Ogden Valley), (3) depth to seasonal shallow ground water at least 2 feet (0.6 m) below the bottom of soil-absorption drain-field trenches or beds and 1 foot (0.3 m) below the original ground surface (location of trenches and beds with respect to original ground surface varies with alternative system type), (4) depth to bedrock or unsuitable soil at least 4 feet (1.2 m) belowthe bottom of soil-absorption drain-field trenches, (5) topographic and geologic conditions that prevent wastewater from surfacing or reaching surface-water bodies or culinary wells within 250 days ground-water time of travel, (6) ground-water flow available for mixing in the zone of mixing in the aquifer below the site such that average nitrate concentrations will not be increased more than 1 mg/L under the anticipated wastewater loading, and (7) nitrate in high concentration zones (plumes) will not exceed 10 mg/L at any depth or location when it reaches the alternative wastewater disposal system owner's property line, as determined using a defendable solute transport model. Additionally, soil conditions should be such that wastewater will be adequately treated before reaching ground or surface water.